

Exercise #2

Draft of Artist Poem Book Documentation and Reflection

Reflection of writing: Reviewing my writing process was really fun. I liked seeing what changes I made, particularly where and when. I noticed that I worked on different parts each day. There are stable pieces that I left from the first draft to the final draft. These pieces are parts that I felt “done” with as soon as they hit the paper.

I feel guided by my intuition while writing poetry. A challenge I have with writing poetry or doing anything creative is that I find that I tend to second guess myself a lot. When I notice myself being unsure of myself, I know my intuition is not driving, but my ego is attempting to hijack the operation. If I get too much in my head, I know it’s a really good time to take a break and revisit it later.

By drafting the poem every day, there was less pressure, because I knew it was early in the draft. As the final draft crept up, I was feeling much more confident in my poem, even as the pressure to finalize came in. I felt ready and satisfied with the message that I was trying to squeeze out. I feel the message is delivered in my first poem is very blurry and unsure. It’s very cool to watch my intentions solidifying into a final product.

Reflection of bookmaking:

I really enjoyed making this book. I took the painted book course when I was a freshman and I thoroughly enjoyed that. To have it be combined with poetry is so rad to me. I love mixing media and being creative about it.

Due to the fact that I somehow fell behind on this, I couldn’t take the time that I wanted to on the actual art. A creative solution I found was to re-purpose a piece of my previously finished art pieces. I found a painting/ drawing I created this past January. This piece was the creative product of a long day spent in nature with heightened senses. Reflecting on this day and these emotions, I felt this could be the perfect cover to my book. I cut and ripped it up a bit. I used the whole sheet of paper. This feels even cooler to me. Instead of rushing through and forcing some art (which never produces good art for me), I decided to make new art out of my previous art. Before, this piece just sat in a folder. Now, it is covering my poem and serving a purpose. Fitting like a glove.


Final form:

What is a body? 
What is a mind? 

Where do emotions live?
How might I access mine?

The rubble of the past 
Somewhere I never try to go,
but somehow never leave. 

buried deep beneath. 
no motion. 

Acting in re-actions
seeking ways to numb 

building concrete walls of comfort
just"for fun"

In attempts to hush 
the long spoken whispher
never heard.

balled up 
disguised as panic. 
percieved as pain.